Kirkliston Community Church

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We are an independent evangelical church meeting in Kirkliston, on the outskirts of Edinburgh.

The church was planted in August 2007 by 22 members of Bellevue Chapel Evangelical Church. There have been several years of rapid growth and we now have around 250 people attending on a Sunday morning. In October 2017, after celebrating our tenth birthday, we began having two services on a Sunday morning to accommodate the people God has drawn to KCC.

We have been overwhelmed by the many ways in which God’s blessing has been in evidence during the last few years and trust that this will continue to be our experience in the future.  Our desire is to reach out to the community in which we are based with God’s love. Our vision is to be a people who know God, grow in our love of Him and each other and that we live sent lives, taking God with us as we go.

We enjoy a good relationship with Kirkliston Parish Church of Scotland, meeting together as leaders and working together in Kirkliston Primary School assemblies, gala days, Easter, remembrance services and Christmas Eve services.