Trypraying UK

Contact Information
76 Lasswade Road, Liberton, Edinburgh EH16 6SF, Scotland
Detailed Information

Trypraying is a seven day prayer guide for people who wouldn’t darken a church door – it’s available as a booklet or a smart phone app.

Trypraying is a resource that enables people to share their faith, churches to do mission and groups of churches to work together.

It starts small, in conversations between friends or colleagues in which faith matters arise and the trypraying booklet can be passed over with an encouragement to trypraying for a week and see what happens.

It grows bigger when a church is encouraged to us this as a project in a two week period for everyone to ‘Use it and Lose it.’

It ramps up when several churches or groups across a whole town or city or region do this together so that advertising and banners can put the logo into the public space making it a topic of conversation or curiosity.

It becomes widely known when the process is repeated every year and people find Christ.