Canty Bay Residential and Activity Centre

Contact Information
Detailed Information

The property of Lower Canty Bay was purchased in 1923 by the first Scout Master of the Charlotte Baptist Chapel Scout Troop – Mr William Edgar Evans. In 1936, in a remarkable act of Christian generosity, “Pa” Evans gifted all the properties he had purchased to a Trust along with a capital sum to provide for ongoing upkeep and maintenance.

The property consists of two separate cottages (“The Cub Cottages” and “The Scout Cottages”) and a large detached property (“The Big House”) with surrounding ground including a small playing field (“The Triangle”).

The Evans Trust purpose is to promote the Christian growth of young people. Any group using the facilities is expected to acknowledge this purpose.

It is accepted that not everyone using the facilities will be committed Christians, but it is expected that they will be open to exploring the Christian Faith while using Canty. Some part of each day during camps and overnight stays should be spent in this way.

An excellent six minute video has been produced that explains the history and purpose of Canty Bay. Each group will be invited to view the video during their visit. We also offer everyone attending an event at Canty Bay a Welcome to Canty Bay Folder along with a free copy of John’s Gospel, part of the Bible, and is an account of the life of Jesus told by John, one of Jesus’ disciples.

The principal beneficiary of the Evans Trust is the Scout Group of Charlotte Baptist Chapel, a church in Shandwick Place, Edinburgh.